A super PAC behind former Vice President Joe Biden is warning Democrats of a political disaster if the party fails to support him.

“A memo from the Unite the Country super PAC to donors, obtained by POLITICO, asserts that the party could pay a steep price if Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg or Amy Klobuchar is chosen as the nominee,” according to the outlet.

“Most ominously, it raises the specter of Sanders and billionaire Mike Bloomberg squaring off at a split convention,” the article read.

The PAC’s treasurer, Larry Rasky, voiced his concerns regarding the current field of candidates in the memo sent Saturday:

We all like and respect Mayor Pete. He has run a tremendous campaign. However, Democrats run the risk of a realignment of the African American vote if Pete is the nominee. Pete’s lack of answers on serious African American issues during his tenure in South Bend is problematic.

The Sanders Socialist issue is real and dangerous. Biden is 100% correct. Democrats in swing areas in the country will have to hide from Sanders. In 2018, Sanders backed candidates went 0-40 in swing areas. We cannot risk the House, state Houses, and also have no shot of dislodging McConnell with Bernie at the top of the ticket.

Rasky also praised Biden for his “leadership” during the Democrat debate Friday when he urged the audience to applaud Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.

Hours before the debate, the White House removed Vindman from the National Security Council and said his services were no longer needed, according to Breitbart News.

“Vindman listened in on the July 25 telephone between President Trump and Ukrainian [President Volodymyr Zelensky] and was a key witness in the House Democrats’ partisan impeachment inquiry,” the report said.

Saturday’s memo was the “most tangible evidence” of the worry plaguing Biden’s supporters following his defeat in Iowa and his expected loss in the New Hampshire primary set for Tuesday, according to Politico.

“Obviously, I am biased but Joe Biden remains the one candidate that can beat Trump,” Rasky claimed.

He continued:

Biden is the one candidate who can unite every corner of the Democratic coalition from hugging Bernie to African Americans, Latinos, working-class whites and suburban women. Equally as important, as the Vice President pointed out last night, he is the only candidate who can campaign in every district — as he did in 2018 — and help Nancy keep the House and give Chuck a chance to win back the Senate.

Joe Biden is the first front runner never to be fully resourced. You can change that and it needs to happen soon. Bernie could come rolling out of New Hampshire with too much steam to be stopped by anyone but Joe. And Mike offers a faulty safety valve. Think Nelson Rockefeller to Barry Goldwater. And again, it bears pointing out again that no Democrat can win without an energized base in the minority community.

“Unite the Country needs you to dig deep right now,” he wrote, adding, “As someone we love likes to say, ‘This is no joke.'”