During a Fox News Channel town hall event on Monday, former mayor Mike Bloomberg said, “a lot of my criticisms of Donald Trump are not his policies, it’s the way he’s doing it.” The billionaire cited the president’s strategy of being tough on China and holds talks with North Korea as areas where the two agree.

A partial transcript is as follows: 

MARTHA MACCALLUM: In the beginning of your answer, it also sounded like you agreed with President Trump pressuring [China] in terms of getting a new trade deal.

MIKE BLOOMBERG: Yeah, a lot of my criticisms of Donald Trump are not his policies, it’s the way he’s doing it. But I think a lot of Americans agree we should say to China, “No, you cannot do this or we’re going to do it to you as well.” I think talks to North Korea — Winston Churchill — “Jaw-jaw is better than to war-war.” There’s no reason not to talk. I don’t think you’re going to make a lot of progress, but I’d certainly rather have a dialogue than no dialogue at all.