Joe Biden has largely been absent from public view for the last several days, but on Friday, he told reporters he’s now heard about this newfangled gizmo that just might help him: teleconferencing.

During a call with reporters, the Democrat frontrunner said he is “desperately” looking to be in contact with Americans, and, “They tell me there’s ways we can do teleconferencing via us all being in different locations.”

Biden attempted to hold a virtual town hall meeting last Friday via “teleconferencing” with disastrous consequences, as Breitbart News detailed at the time.

High-dollar fundraisers are currently on hiatus due to coronavirus, so Biden’s campaign is trying to come up with creative ways to keep the money flowing in.

CNBC’s Brian Schwartz reported Biden’s bundlers – people who collect large sums of cash for a candidate – “are encouraging potential new donors to sign up for future in-person events as a way to get them to continue.”

A fundraiser that was going to be held virtually on Thursday was postponed, and the campaign denied it had anything to do with last Friday’s debacle.

“We are really looking forward to convening with you virtually. As we are adjusting to all of the changes and still in transition, we would like to postpone our virtual event until next week. We will follow up shortly with the new date,” the campaign said in an email to donors, CNBC reported.

Biden’s campaign decided to have all his fundraising events go virtual in the wake of the coronavirus spreading throughout the United States. Biden previously had money-making gatherings scheduled in New York and New Jersey before he decided to go virtual. Wall Street executive Jay Snyder was slated to host one of them.

The email said:

We will be using the Zoom platform for this event, which will allow each of you to participate by video or phone from your home. The morning of the event, we will send out the link to participate by video as well as a dial-in in case you prefer to join by phone. In lieu of taking live questions during the event, please let us know if there are any topics you would like covered.

Here’s what happened when the campaign used Zoom last time:

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @KyleOlson4.