Former Vice President Joe Biden has an overwhelming lead against President Donald Trump among voters who dislike both candidates, according to a Morning Consult poll released on Monday evening.

The poll found that “among voters who dislike both candidates, 46 percent say they’d back Biden if the election were held today, compared to 14 percent who would vote for Trump.”

Overall, the national poll—“conducted May 4-10 among 27,754 registered voters” with a one-point margin of error—found that Biden has a three-point lead (45 percent to 42 percent) over Trump and is more popular than the president, “whom 44 percent of voters view favorably and 53 percent view unfavorably.”

Biden’s three-point national lead, though, “is among the three smallest deficits Trump has faced in 2020 in match-ups against Biden,” according to Morning Consult.

The poll found that Biden’s net favorability rating has also “dropped 5 percentage points among registered voters since an April 20-26 poll conducted in the week before Biden forcefully denied” Tara Reade’s sexual assault accusation.

Biden’s 32-point lead among voters who “dislike both candidates” should be especially concerning for Trump.

In the 2016 presidential election, 15 percent of voters believed that neither Trump nor Hillary Clinton were qualified to be president, and Trump overwhelmingly won those voters (66 percent to 15 percent) over Clinton.