President Donald Trump said Tuesday that China will “own” the United States if former Vice President Joe Biden wins the presidency in 2020.

“If I don’t win the election, China will own the United States,” Trump said. “You’re going to have to learn to speak Chinese, you want to know the truth and you’ll have to learn it fast.”

The president spoke with radio host Hugh Hewitt on Tuesday morning.

Hewitt asked Trump to react to American intelligence reports showing communist Chinese officials want Trump to lose the election.

“Because they’ll own the United State if he wins, and with me, they were having the worst year in 67 years because I tariffed the hell out of them,” Trump said.

Biden said in an interview last week that he would remove tariffs on China, complaining that Trump was “going after China the wrong way.” He argued that China would change only if confronted by an international coalition led by the United States.

Trump has increasingly criticized China and President Xi Jinping for allowing the coronavirus to spread across the globe.

“I would say we had a great relationship. He’s a great gentleman,” he said. “But my relationship is no longer very good with him because of what they did with the China virus.”