Bikers gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina, Thursday afternoon to show their support for President Trump and law enforcement.

“Donald Trump ran a campaign for president (in 2016) like no one has ever seen before. He was really a true political outsider,” Vets for Trump member Tom Speciale told the Charlotte Observer.

“He had universal name recognition and he had a message of ‘Make America Great Again,’ not this left-wing radical stuff,” he continued, adding that he believed Trump would win again in November.

Around 60 people gathered for the event at Charlotte’s Park Road Park, including members of the Charlotte Regional Republican Volunteer Network and Latinos for Freedom.

“The event was billed as a pro-Trump biker rally to be followed by a ‘back the blue’ parade. About 45 bikers took part in a flag-waving parade through Charlotte in the early evening, then were to reconvene for dinner to watch Trump accept his nomination,” the Observer reported.

Trump voters were mostly a silent majority but their voices needed to be heard, Charlotte Regional Republican Volunteer Network Founder Sean Kilbane told Fox 46.

“As we are drawing closer to the actual election we’re starting to get louder and show our support more vocally for the president in a more visual way,” he explained.

One rally attendee said she was excited to be a Republican and cast her ballot for the president in November.

“I think he’s done and awesome job and we’re just here to show him that we so support him through everything he’s been through, he still has supporters here,” she commented.

At the rally, attendees flew American flags and Trump flags from their motorcycles and cars.

Participant Thomas Mussoni said it felt good to be with people who felt the same way about the president.

“It’s great to be among like-minded people. We’re not gonna debate issues of gun control, or of all lives matter. We’re here to say, look, we support our president,” Mussoni commented.

“We think he’s accomplished incredible things during his first term and we can’t wait to see what he can get done in the second,” he concluded.