Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced endorsed President Donald Trump for reelection in a Tuesday interview with Telemundo, urging Puerto Ricans living in the United States to vote for the president.

“I ask all Puerto Ricans who are listening to go vote,” the governor told the news outlet. “They have to go to vote, exercise their right to vote and evaluate who has represented being a person who thinks about Puerto Ricans and their needs at the most difficult moment: It is Donald Trump.”

The development comes after Vázquez was scheduled to campaign with President Donald Trump in Central Florida, but the event was canceled due to the president contracting the Chinese coronavirus, according to Miami Herald reporter Syra Ortiz-Blanes.

Vázquez made the endorsement despite President Trump opposing Puerto Rican statehood, something the governor is in favor of. Puerto Ricans living on the island are ineligible to vote in November’s White House election.

In August, Vázquez lost the primary of her pro-statehood party to Pedro Pierluisi, who served a short stint as the territory’s governor last year.