Louisville’s Courier Journal, Kentucky’s largest newspaper — known for its history of endorsements for Democrats — has refused to endorse Sen. Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) Democrat challenger.

The paper’s editorial board which has endorsed mostly Democrat candidates in Senate elections in the state, decided not to endorse McConnell opponent Amy McGrath ahead of Tuesday’s election.

The paper also snubbed McGrath during the primary, endorsing her more progressive challenger, Charles Booker.

“No Louisville Courier-Journal endorsement for the Senate race the weekend before the election,” said Josh Kraushaar, a columnist for the National Journal. “…they weren’t going to be endorsing McConnell, but to withhold an endorsement for McGrath would be notable.”

A Mason-Dixon poll of 625 registered Kentucky voters, which was conducted from October 12 to 15, found McConnell with a nine-point lead over McGrath.

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