Democrat Marianne Williamson, a self-described “spiritual thought leader” who had suspended her campaign, is jumping back into the presidential race following President Joe Biden’s vulnerable showing in Michigan.

“As of today, I am unsuspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States,” Williamson says at the beginning of a video posted on X. “I had suspended it because I was losing the horse race, but something so much more important than the horse race is at stake here, and we must respond. We have a fascist standing at the door.”

She later declares it is “delusional” for Democrats to wait and hope Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will beat former President Donald Trump in a general election.

The announcement came hours after more than 100,000 voted “uncommitted” in the Michigan Democrat primary against Biden on Tuesday night, equating to 13.3 percent of the vote share, the latest data available provided by the New York Times as of Wednesday morning shows. Williamson, who suspended her campaign after the Nevada primaries, still garnered three percent, while 2.7 percent backed Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and Biden carried 81 percent.

In her video, Williamson slammed Biden’s boasting of an economy she sees as crippling most Americans:

What is President Biden offering? He says, “Let’s finish the job.” Well, I hope you realize we’re talking about millions of voters for whom they can’t even survive unless they work at two or three jobs. What is he saying beyond “You know, the economy’s really doing well.” Are you kidding me? For whom? It’s doing well for 20 percent of us, and that’s to be celebrated, but that 20 percent is on an island surrounded by a vast sea of economic despair. Thirty-nine percent of the American people report that they are regularly skipping meals in order to pay their rent. Over half of bankruptcies come from medical debt one in four Americans carry. We’re now living at a time where economic anxiety is experienced by the majority of people, the majority of people living paycheck to paycheck, the minimum wage not having been raised and increased, and increasing militarism.

Williamson then shared her vision, which includes “Medicare for all,” “tuition-free college and tech school,” “guaranteed housing, guaranteed living wage,” and “guaranteed sick pay.” She also called for a “ceasefire now,” “reparations,” and policies that “ramp down… fossil fuel extraction.”

Williamson insists her vision is the formula for beating Trump.

“Some people would say, ‘Oh Ms. Williamson, you’re delusional,'” she said, laughing. “I’ll tell you what’s delusional. What’s delusional is just closing our eyes and crossing our fingers and just hoping that somehow Biden and Harris will be able to beat that juggernaut of dark, dark vision,” she said.

WATCH: She’s Back! Democrat Marianne Williamson “Unsuspends” Her Presidential Campaign

Williamson initially bowed out of the race after losing the Nevada Democrat primary.