A Rasmussen Reports poll released March 31 shows slightly more than four out of five Americans reject the plan for Democrat-run cities to pay killers not to kill with guns.

The poll revolved around plans in Baltimore, Toledo, Washington, D.C., and other cities to use money to try to curtail the behavior of killers untouched by a myriad of gun control laws.

Rasmussen asked, “In an effort to reduce their homicide rates, several cities are considering a plan to pay criminals not to commit gun crimes. Do you favor or oppose a plan in your community to pay criminals up to $1,000 a month not to kill someone with a gun?”

In response, five percent of respondents agreed with such a plan, while 81 percent rejected it outright.

The Washington Post reports that such a program already exists in Richmond, California, where overlooking certain crimes–and even an occasional homicide–is par for the course to keep the program rolling. And this month, the D.C. City Council voted to allot funds to begin financing a program that mirrors the one in Richmond. “Council member Kenyan R. McDuffie (D-Ward 5) has promised to shift money from the mayor’s other law-enforcement priorities to launch the program.”

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.