In the introduction to the Dallas Police Memorial, CNN’s Don Lemon listed 11 mass shootings that occurred on President Obama’s watch. And although Lemon did not point it out, 10 of those mass shootings occurred in gun-free zones.

Appearing on CNN’s Wolf, Lemon previewed Obama’s address in Dallas by saying, “I think this has become deeply personal for the president because he’s had to do it 11 times. When we say 11 times, we just say numbers, but that’s dozens of families, dozens of loved ones who have lost people that he has had to console over the years.”

Lemon continued by reading the 11 mass shootings that have taken place on Obama’s watch:

Fort Hood, that was in 2009, Tucson was 2011, Newtown was 2012, Aurora was 2012, the Navy Yard was 2013, Fort Hood was 2014, Charleston 2015, Roseburg [was] 2015, San Bernardino 2015, Orlando 2016, and here we are in Dallas — just a few weeks after Orlando — this is why it is personal for the president.

All of these except the Dallas police ambush took place in gun-free zones.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at