The violence in gun-controlled Chicago has now hit such levels that “nearly 12” people have been shot every day in 2016.

ABC News reported this average of “nearly 12 shooting victims” a day on September 1, based on the “2,848 shooting victims” reported for the year on the same day. Fatalities among those victims totaled 468.

Also on September 1, Breitbart News reported that August 2016 was the deadliest August in Chicago in 20 years. ABC News reported “472 total shooting victims” and 90 fatalities for that month alone. This brings the total of homicides to nearly 470 for the year, even as Chicago rolls into a Labor Day weekend where heightened violence and death are expected.

The New York Daily News tried to put the huge August death toll into perspective, saying, “Chicago has seen more shootings and homicides this month than the combined total in New York City — a city three times as populous — and Los Angeles — a city with about 1.3 million more people.”

One Chicago leader wants a “declaration of a state of emergency” for the city, while state Representative Sonya Harper (D-6th) and others are calling for more gun control for law-abiding citizens as a solution.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at