Update 8:54 ET

From CNN:

A man carrying a rifle entered a Macy’s store at a mall in Washington state, shot dead four women and a man, and vanished into the night, police said.

Update 1:42am ET

From the Associated Press:

A gunman opened fire in a crowded mall north of Seattle, killing three people and critically wounding another before fleeing Friday night, authorities said.

Washington State Patrol spokesman Sgt. Mark Francis said police were searching for a Hispanic man wearing black and armed with a rifle who was last seen walking toward Interstate 5.

“We are still actively looking for the shooter. Stay indoors, stay secure,” Francis said at a news conference.


Original story starts here:

Four people were shot and killed on September 23 at Cascade Mall, which is located about 65 miles north of Seattle.

The mall is in Burlington, Washington, and calls about the shooting began coming in before 7:00 p.m.

According to ABC News, at 8:03 p.m. Pacific Sgt. Mark Francis of the Washington State Police tweeted there were “four confirmed deceased in the mall, shooter(s) left scene before police arrived, unknown numbers of shooters, possibly just one, police clearing mall now.”

Francis “described the shooter as a ‘Hispanic male wearing grey,’ who who last seen walking toward Interstate 5.”

Roughly 20 minutes after Sgt. Francis tweeted there four were confirmed deceased, he announced that “EMS [was] starting to enter to attend to injured inside Mall w/ police escort and after initial clearance.”

At 9:20 pm Pacific, Sgt. Francis tweeted a photo of the suspect:

Sgt. Francis noted the suspect was “armed with a rifle.”

Washington state has the comprehensive background checks Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Michael Bloomberg, Everytown for Gun Safety, and Gabby Giffords push as a way to make Americans safer.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.