A home invasion suspect in Bloomington, Ohio, was shot after allegedly tackling a woman who was holding him at gunpoint until police arrived.

The incident occurred about 1:30 a.m. on April 21.

According to Pantagraph, Kim Sinnott was at her parents’ home to celebrate her father’s 75th birthday when an alarm went off. Following the alarm, the family noticed a light was on in the garage, and Sinnott said, “We saw somebody walking in the garage.”

Armed with her father’s .32 caliber pistol, Sinnott and her sister walked out to the detached garage to investigate. Once there, she allegedly saw 21-year-old Mykale B. Davis inside and yelled for him not to come out. She told him she had a gun and informed him that police were on their way.

Sinnott said:

I told him that I had a gun. I was standing there looking at him with the gun pointing at him. I told him a hundred times not to come out because I had a gun and that I would shoot and that we were waiting for the cops, that we had the cops on the line right now.

Then Davis opened the garage door and allegedly tackled Sinnott. She said, “When he grabbed me and pulled me down I was fearing for my life. I shot him just for him to let me go. I don’t know if it was in the leg or in the foot. I was scared to death.”

Davis was treated for non-life threatening injuries and “charged with one count of burglary and one count of battery.”

After everything was over, Sinnott said, “God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle, but I’m about done.”

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com.