China’s state-run Global Times newspaper condemned American critics of its attempts to colonize Hong Kong, including U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), as “trashy” for their defense of freedom in the autonomous economic hub.

The Hong Kong protests this week, which attracted over one million people on Sunday according to organizers, demanded that the legislature dismiss a bill that would allow for the extradition of Hong Kong residents to the part of China under communist rule in the event that the Communist Party accused them of breaking Chinese law.

Unlike Hong Kong, which has a long tradition of respecting basic political freedoms, China considers most displays of political dissent, as well as “unauthorized” religious practices, a crime. Protesters have repeatedly told media outlets they fear being deported into a country with one of the world’s worst human rights records for speaking freely in their homeland.

Pelosi, like many politicians in the United States of all political stripes, extended her support to the protesters and condemned the law this week, mulling a congressional move that would reaffirm American support for Hong Kong’s political autonomy.

The Global Times noted the rare moment of bipartisanship in America and the greater West.

“Western leaders such as US President Donald Trump, outgoing UK Prime Minister Theresa May and other politicians have all uttered their opinion [on Hong Kong],” the newspaper noted on Thursday. “Some apparently took a side, hoping the problem can be solved and calling on all sides to show restraint, while others behave in a rude and extreme manner, represented by members of the US Congress.”

The article, titled “HK-Meddling Displays Trashy U.S. Discourse,” cited Pelosi specifically for being a longstanding supporter of human rights in Hong Kong.

“US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has met Hong Kong opposition groups several times,” the newspaper noted. “Shortly before the chaos erupted, she wasted no time in issuing a statement that decried the ‘horrific’ extradition bill and said the bill ‘showcases Beijing’s brazen willingness to trample over the law.'”

The Global Times called the remarks by Pelosi and others “a stark provocation” against China. “Influential politicians as senior as Pelosi uttered such shallow remarks on Hong Kong affairs, which makes us see the low quality of US politics. If they want to target China effectively, at least they should be clear about what is going on.”

“These US senators make us see the dark mind of the US political elite who just want to turn Hong Kong into a chaotic place by hyping the uncontrolled violent street politics,” the Communist Party propaganda arm proclaimed. The Global Times regularly refers to liberal democracies as “chaos,” while identifying the repressive Communist Party regime and its various human rights atrocities as “harmony.”
The Global Times concluded that American politicians are “not short of ignorance, selfishness, and ill intentions,” and that Pelosi’s comments “are destroying the rationality that once built up the United States of America.”

Following the protests this weekend, Chinese state media went on the offensive, accusing the United States of organizing the “violent” protests as a tactic in the ongoing trade dispute between Washington and Beijing. The Global Times also published a story Wednesday accusing Americans of being arrogant and seeing themselves as superior to “yellow” Chinese people.

Pelosi appears to have infuriated Beijing with statements that “all freedom-loving people were moved by the courage of the one million men & women of Hong Kong who took to the streets to peacefully demand their rights & denounce this horrific extradition bill.” Pelosi also supported a bipartisan congressional effort known as the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, which would make it easier for Washington to deal with Hong Kong directly and emphasize opposition to a Chinese Communist takeover of the city.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry condemned Pelosi on Wednesday. In response to a question about her remarks on the protests, spokesman Geng Shuang said, “Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs. No other country, organization or individual has the right to interfere.”

“China deplores and firmly opposes the irresponsible and erroneous comments on the amendment and other Hong Kong affairs made by the US side,” Geng continued. “We urge the US to view the relevant amendment in a fair and just manner, exercise caution in its words and deeds, and stop in whatever form interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China’s domestic affairs.”

The Chinese regime also summoned an American diplomat to complain about American politicians’ “irresponsible words and deeds” on Friday regarding the protests.

Protests over the weekend against the extradition bill were peaceful and attracted over 1 million people, organizers said. Further protests Wednesday, which succeeded in getting the legislature to table the extradition bill, ended with police firing tear gas canisters and rubber bullets at protesters. Protests have continued following the legislature’s concession to ensure the bill does not return and protesters have organized more events for this weekend.

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