Celebrities reacted with glee Tuesday after former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was found guilty of eight charges and Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen pled guilty to campaign finance violations.

“With each new development, Trump’s PR strategy looks more and more pathetic. The stench of fear is starting to emanate from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And just like Watergate, once that putrid odor wafts up to Capital Hill, the once spineless GOP, will slowly abandon the Liar,” fumed actor-director Rob Reiner.

Meanwhile, Cher celebrated, tweeting, “I’m So excited about Paul Manafort’s Guiltily Verdict I Could &‼️”

The charges that Manafort was convicted on, and the charges he still faces, do not have anything to do with the Trump campaign. Neither case seems to be related at all to “Russian collusion.”
Nevertheless that didn’t stop some of Hollywood’s most anti-Trump stars from celebrating the Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen news.

Below is a roundup of all the Hollywood hate.