Actress Bette Midler melted down and tweeted that parents should “lock up” their daughters on Friday.

“LOCK UP YOUR DAUGHTERS.” Bette Midler tweeted in all caps.

The 72-year-old was far from alone in freaking out over Senate Republicans’ defense of Brett Kavanaugh.

Many Hollywood stars went nuclear over Kavanaugh, urging senators to vote down his confirmation.

“We have a judge who testified that an FBI investigation into an allegation of sexual assault isn’t necessary. A judge who Republicans nominated to be on the Supreme Court. If you are a woman, or you have a child, or you have a mother, a sister, call your senator today,” Chelsea Handler tweeted.

Meanwhile, Amy Schumer promoted “Cancel Kavanaugh” rallies, tweeting, “We #BelieveSurvivors and refuse to accept Brett Kavanaugh as our next Supreme Court Justice. Join us in making our voices heard Friday at noon local time. Find or host an event near you:

Actor Andy Richter tweeted that, “Women deserve to be angry all of the time This country’s government is an abuser We live in the most shameful of times.”

Midler has long been a supporter of left-wing values. Earlier this year, she made a joke about Rand Paul being violently attacked by his neighbor.

“Where’s Rand Paul’s neighbor when we need him?” she tweeted, referencing an incident when Paul was brutally beaten in a physical fight with his Kentucky neighbor.