GOProud, a national group of gay and straight Americans who support free markets and individual freedom, marched with thousands of other pro-lifers at the March for Life in Washington D.C.  They also distributed these stickers, “Hello, I’m Pro-Life and Pro-Gay.”  LifeNews reported:

While most pro-life people oppose same-sex marriage and sometimes lump the two separate political issues together, other pro-life advocates say gays and lesbians have a good reason to strongly oppose abortion is scientists could demonstrate that being gay or lesbian has a genetic component. That could lead to abortions based on the genetic predisposition to be gay in the same way abortions based on gender or disabilities like Down syndrome have become prevalent.

Moreover, some pro-life advocates say the pro-life movement should look at expanding beyond its evangelical Christian and Catholic base that is predominantly culturally conservative. The question is, will GOProud’s participation in the March for Life expand the pro-life ranks?

I’m glad to see GOProud (full disclosure: I am on their board) participating in the pro-life movement and dispelling the myths that conservatives are anti-gay and gay conservatives aren’t “real conservatives.”  To answer LifeNews’ last question, I hope GOProud’s participation not only expands the pro-life ranks, but the entire conservative movement.