Two Republican senators who have been grabbing more than their share of headlines and appear to be positioning themselves for for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination are Marco Rubio and Rand Paul.

Both men were swept into office in large part by the Tea Party grassroots movement in 2010 and both have substantially increased their following nationally since beginning their careers in the Senate.  

Paul has already stated that he would consider running for the GOP presidential nomination while Rubio is playing it more closely to the vest, although he is said to have already expressed his intentions to run for higher office to close friends and family.

Rubio has taken the lead on the immigration debate which many believe could pave the way for the first generation “American Son” to win the Republican nomination.  But Rubio is contending with a growing sentiment that perceives his tone and rhetoric as being too soft and measured in certain instances.  Case in point- Rubio’s recent questioning of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the Benghazi consulate attack hearings where Rubio appeared to pull his punches and perhaps too carefully measure his words. Rand Paul however was quite the opposite- Paul grilled Clinton and told her straight up that he would have fired her if he was her boss.

Rubio’s tone and rhetoric at this juncture is arguably inconsistent, as he appeared to come across much softer towards Clinton but then ramped it up when he questioned Senator John Kerry during his confirmation hearing for Secretary of State. (Watch the Rubio/Kerry exchange).  Perhaps Rubio needed a little cafecito prior to his questioning of Clinton?

While many believe that Rubio is the best chance Republicans have in 2016 due in large part to his effective communication skills and his Hispanic background, Paul has begun to articulate a coherent foreign policy that does not appear to resemble his father Ron’s, and Paul could very well be the candidate who brings back the Libertarian vote back to the Republican party and become a very formidable contender for the Republican nomination in 2016.  Cross-posted-Shark Tank