I had the honor of interviewing Rev. C. L. Bryant about his documentary Runaway Slave. I asked him if name calling, “slave”, is the most appropriate manner to reach into the Black Community.

The question wasn’t about race, political leanings or thought invoking titles.  It was a question about tactics and if Black Conservatives need to readjust the message to reach beyond the choir.

To paraphrase, Bryant answered Runaway added to slave makes all the difference because it shows running away from one thing towards another.  (From Liberalism towards Conservatism)

Here’s the problem.  I was interviewed about the documentary by a Liberal Black reporter.  It took seven minutes of cussing him out to change the subject from slavery to liberty, personal freedom, self-responsibility, and ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE.  To which, the reporter said, “We have to stop there, I’m out of digital space”.

Sure you are!