I recently appeared on the Huffington Post’s HuffPost Live show to discuss some of newsy topics of the day, one being a pending lawsuit in California where some woman was suing Nestle and California Pizza Kitchen over their frozen pizza business. The woman is suing these two companies because she feels that the ‘Trans Fats’ found in their frozen pizza is making her and others sick. Remember, this is the left coast, things are different over there. 

Everything is going to kill you! Look, I love me some Krispy Kreme donuts. There is a KK about 4 blocks from my house, and I eat them every so often to reward myself for all the good work I do. God forbid that I develop a donut-shaped tumor on my forehead, or die of sugar overload, I am not going to sue KK for bringing me so many years of donut-eating pleasure. It was my choice to buy and eat the donuts, just like it was the choice of this crazy medicinal marijuana smoking woman suing the frozen pizza lobby to eat the pizza.