Our allies must now realize they are alone in the world.

Senator John “Jane Fonda” Kerry (D-MA) ascends to his next throne as U.S. Secretary of State / SoS. Our allies should be raising their own S.O.S. alarm. 

Video from C-SPAN Archives: On April 22nd, 1971, 27 year-old former Navy Lt. John Kerry testified against U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War as a member of “Vietnam Veterans Against the War.” Senator J. William Fulbright (D-Arkansas) chaired the committee. Coverage included, in its entirety, John Kerry’s opening remarks to members of the committee, followed by questioning by some committee members. This event was filmed by NBC News. In those areas where there is not a complete film archive of Kerry’s testimony, it will be supplemented by audio from Pacifica Radio.

Watch, and make up your own mind.