I don’t watch live TV very often and apparently, I’m not the only one

Binge-viewing, empowered by DVD box sets and Netflix subscriptions, has become such a popular way for Americans to watch TV that it is beginning to influence the ways the stories are told — particularly one-hour dramas — and how they are distributed.

Today, Netflix is releasing an entire TV series, meant to be viewed in “one sitting.” The series is called House of Cards, starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright.  It’s a political drama;  I know what that usually means. 

Some media executives like to call the behavior “marathoning,” since bingeing can have negative connotations. Either way, the behavior “extends the life of a show,” said Anthony Bay, the vice president for digital video at Amazon. 

Good shows to binge on: Doctor Who, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, Homeland, Arrested Development,  Game of Thrones. Have I missed any?