Conservatives managed to avoid any major sucker punches through tonight’s interminably long Oscar ceremony.

And then … POW.

First Lady Michelle Obama, via satellite, announces the Best Picture winner. Of course, she gave a speech first, one filled with the kind of lollipop dreams that epitomize a White House that simply can’t deliver the goods. Or jobs.

Has a First Lady ever intruded on Oscar night in such fashion? My memory says no, but it’s possible this isn’t the first time. It is, however, typical of a White House operation that excels in glamour over substance, that feels compelled to enter every public space from sporting events to late night shows to even the biggest night of the year for Hollywood.

Yes, the Obamas owe Tinsel Town plenty for all their support – financial and promotional – during the 2012 election. But there’s simply no reason for Michelle Obama to be given the biggest assignment on Oscar night.

Conservative viewers, if there were any left by the time the show wrapped, will not soon forget this.