Let me see if I’ve got this straight:

1. Sequestration cuts of $85 billion are impossibly painful, the equivalent of asking Uncle Sam to perform an appendectomy on himself with a nail file, but

2. ObamaCare adding $6.2 trillion to the deficit – nearly 75 times the size of the sequester – is no big deal… and even that new projection might under-estimate its cost, because

3. ObamaCare includes a massive expansion of Medicaid, which reluctant states like Florida, and now New Jersey, have been bribed to accept with bags of federal money, and

4. We’re about to extend citizenship to a huge new population of people who will soon enough qualify for this expanded Medicaid coverage – it’s inconceivable that their “access” to such programs will not be swiftly demanded, but

5. Obama’s releasing waves of illegal immigrants from detention because he says that tiny sequestration spending cut makes it impossible to keep them in custody.

If you like government waste and abuse today, just wait and see what we’ve got in a couple of years.  And if you think fiscal restraint and tax reform are hard now, just wait until you’re told that tax or spending cuts are death warrants for the immense army of Medicaid recipients that would have to be sacrificed to pay for them.

Take a bow, Mr. Alinsky.