In response to Operation Crybaby might be in trouble:

He’s been on the road for what? Two weeks or more talking about the “the parade of horribles” that will befall the nation if Congress doesn’t pass the Democrats’ deficit-raising sequester plan.  Now, on the eve of the sequester, we’re hearing a leetle bit of a walk back:

“It’s conceivable that in the first week, first two weeks, first three weeks, first month – that unless your business is directly related to the Defense Dept, unless you live in a town that is directly impacted by a military installation, unless you’re a family that now is trying to figure out where to keep your kids during the day because you just lost a Head Start slot, a lot of people may not notice the full impact of the sequester.”

 Via Wayne Dupree,  News Ninja:


Notice the promise at the end that the sequester will  “be a big hit on the economy.” I think he’s counting on a bad economy so he  can blame it on Republicans.