I had only a handful of conversations with Andrew. The first of which was one amazingly unexpected blessing.

A number of us Happy Warriors had converged unto Cancun to expose the hypocrisy of the Enviro-Fascist Left at a U.N. Climate CONference. After giving one of the funniest, ADD-riddled speeches I had ever seen, Andrew worked the room eventually making his way over to me. 

Breitbart was more inquisitive than commentative. That is, until I mentioned Justice Clarence Thomas. We must have spent 20 minutes debating about which one of us had the most affinity for Justice Thomas. I always thought that I won that debate having been born and raised in Savannah Ga,. Alas, Andrew removed all doubt when he explained how he was able to praise our intellectual hero, Justice Thomas, in his forthcoming book, Righteous Indignation. (Andrew made me promise to keep that little tidbit a secret). 

Breitbart also made me promise him that I would never stop fighting. And I never will. 

Andrew and me, Cancun, Circa 2010