In a few weeks many of us are going to CPAC, and there will be no funny, fiery, fabulous Andrew Breitbart to rally the conservative troops. No gregarious Andrew visiting the bloggers lounge to give us a pep talk  and pose for pictures with the bloggers, etc. I can’t tell you how sad it makes me that our “pied piper” (his words) will be absent at CPAC 2013. There have been many moments throughout the past year that I’ve felt that pang  – “Oh if only Andrew Breitbart were alive”, but in a few weeks I know it’s going to be especially raw…

From 2009 – 3/2012, whenever I saw a political speech at a conservative conference or event –  Andrew’s was always my favorite. Always. I hung on every word from this extraordinary, one in a million man. I posted so many his videos at my blog over the years, I started a category just for him.

At his wake, last year in Washington DC, Neil W. McCabe of Human Events said something I thought was very insightful:

For so many years, he toiled in the shadows as one of the most influential people in the media that nobody knew. Then for a few years…. he burned like this –  flame – just showing us what to do and how to do it…”


His flame may have flickered out a year ago, but that flame lives on in all of us as we continue to fight his war against “the democratic media complex” and “organized left.”

I’ll be posting my favorite Breitbart videos throughout the day.