When it came to classroom politics, Andrew believed in being “petty”–meaning there was no struggle too small. Education was the foundation of everything–and students the most vulnerable victims of the Democrat-media complex. He would champion the cause of anyone standing up to campus anti-conservative tyranny.

One thing conservatives should remember is that while it’s sometimes daunting to stand up to liberal academic orthodoxy, it’s not impossible. My wife recently challenged a decision by the administration at her Ph.D. program to show Gasland, the anti-fracking film. Why not show the other side, Fracknation, as well? 

And they did, turning a one-evening film event into a two-evening exploration of all sides of the issue. A small victory–not just for the conservative cause, but for education itself–who really benefits from just studying one side of anything? It takes courage to “be Breitbart,” but it’s always worth trying. You might just win.