Social Media Trends and Happenings.

When celebrities attack!

Presented without comment… You be the judge.

I think one point the author (whose opinion I respect) may be missing through his interpretation of the Pew study’s results is that you don’t necessarily have to get to the end readers via Twitter to break news.  While the study found that only 3% of the public consume news via Twitter, often the larger news outlets pick up what citizen journalists are breaking on Twitter, and that is what then reaches the broader general news audience. 

Law and Order.

TechDirt has been following the hilariously insane saga of Global Wildlife Foundation vs. legal blogger and free speech advocate Ken White at Popehat.  Now TechDirt becomes the target.

TechDirt on the drone inquisition.  (by the way, GO RAND PAUL!)

Ars Technica covers a bill proposed by a bipartisan group of House representatives to stop the feds from obtaining your private e-mails without getting a warrant from a judge.  Because, you know, Petraeus.

Hackers and Hoaxes.

 An argument on Skype led to a 12-year old’s SWATting.  Stop the insanity!

Latest news on the Barrett Brown front.

“Under questioning from Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) at a wide-ranging Judiciary Committee hearing, Holder said critics were paying too much attention to the charges Swartz was indicted on and not enough to the repeated offers prosecutors made to resolve the case in exchange for a guilty plea and a jail term of a few months.”

A Swedish man leaked a torrent of Beyonce’s album to The Pirate Bay, and now Sony wants to get paid.  Sony says “its relationship with Beyonce was imperiled by the leak and says its marketing efforts and Beyonce’s own reputation also took a hit.”



I can’t imagine gamers will actually have any interest in this, but I’m sure the creators are going for a slightly different (yet similar) demographic.  Regardless… Congress? Fun? Really? LOL.

Well, I’m sure Snoop Dogg will enjoy it.

“Anonymous sources, confused PR, and the odd life of a short-lived claim.”