It would be cliche to say Washington can never get anything done because we are in constant campaign mode.  Both parties begin thinking about the next election the moment the last vote is counted; maybe before.

We can speculate on who’s running in 2016 for the Democratic Party (does it matter if Hillary throws in her hat) but the 2016 GOP field already seems to be set.

Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush

Each has already made an impact since Obama’s victory in 2012.

Marco Rubio with his push for immigration reform.  Paul Ryan is pushing another budget that addresses entitlements and debt and deficit.  Jeb Bush is out pushing immigration and education reform. Rand Paul has taken over the Senate with a fillibuster of John Brennan.

Each has already staked out their base on the right.

Rubio is shooting for the Hispanics.  Ryan is shooting for the fiscal hawks.  Bush is shooting for the old school Republicans.  Paul is shooting for the liberty and limited government, by all means, crowd.

If they keep making all this noise, by 2016 they will have no problem with name recognition or explaining to the American public where they stand on particular issues.