In response to Rand Paul Filibuster Inspires HuffPo to Blister Obama Over Drone Policy:

This morning, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was able to get Attorney General Eric Holder to admit, (after much hemming and hawing about “appropriateness”) that it
was unconstitutional to kill a US citizen on US soil with a drone strike, providing that American terror suspect does not pose an “imminent threat.”

Via Sean Higgins of The Washington Examiner:

Cruz took the opportunity of Holder’s appearance this morning before the
senate Judiciary Committee to ask about the government stance. “If an
individual is sitting quietly in a cafe in the US, in your legal
judgment, does the Constitution allow a US citizen on US soil to be
killed by a drone?” Cruz asked, adding later the qualifier:  “If that
individual is not posing an imminent and immediate threat of death or
bodily harm.”

It took Cruz close to four minutes to get Holder to admit that such a strike would indeed be unconstitutional.