Yesterday I posted an article about Marissa Mayer’s “War on Women” concerning her decisions as the new CEO at Yahoo! and how they could possibly affect women with careers in tech industries.

Seems like someone is reading my mind. From Inc‘s Rene Shimada Siegel:

…The woman who gave birth to her first child and took a mere two-week maternity leave also built a nursery for the baby and his full-time nanny in her corner office. So while Marissa can be there for her son, will her employees have the same luxury of attending to their personal life in their office?

…I believe in the benefits of face-to-face and eye-to-eye meetings when necessary. Clearly, she thinks working together will lead to better and more creative decisions. It’s possible.

But what’s impossible to ignore is the message her technology company is sending to employees about the value of their contribution and their life–and the message she is sending to her son and the future workforce.

I think I hear Mayer’s ‘message’ to her employees loud and clear, Rene.

Unfortunately, it’s too profane to type here.