Rep. Paul Ryan, the  chairman of the House Budget Committee will be rolling out his proposed budget, this week. On Fox News Sunday, he claimed that Republicans did not lose the argument on Medicare in the 2012 election, and called for the repeal of ObamaCare so legislators can replace it with a better system.

 The Washington Times Reported:

With a Democratic Senate and Mr. Obama’s veto pen, however, thatprospect is a nonstarter. Host Chris Wallace said flatly that repealingObamacare is not going to happen.

“Well, we believe it should,”Mr. Ryan replied. “That’s the point — this is what budgeting’s allabout, Chris. It’s about making tough choices to fix our country’sproblems. We believe that Obamacare is a program that will not work.”

This is frankly what I want to see House Republicans doing – just chugging along, producing and promoting good legislation. What I don’t want to see them doing, is caving in to Democrats on issues like  immigration and gun control.

If the Republicans want to get slaughtered in 2014, work with the Obamacrats on those two issues instead of hamstringing their efforts in every possible way. I liked the “party of no” label Obamacrats gave Republicans during the first two years of the Regime. The results of the 2010 election would indicate that fighting Obama’s agenda tooth and nail is a winning proposition for Repubs.

Speaking of winning propositions, Ryan also suggested this morning, that the experience he gained during his 2012 election run made a future presidential run more personally viable.