Jonathan Krohn, the precocious kid who became a sensation at CPAC 2009 after he delivered a rousing defense of conservatism, has spent much of the day dumping on CPAC 2013, and yours truly, on his Twitter feed.

It’s rather amusing, particularly Krohn’s claim that my statement that the Iranian regime “bridges the Shi’a-Sunni divide” is, in his view, the “Dumbest. Statement. Ever.” (The full sentence makes clear I was referring to Iran’s regional alliances: “It has formed alliances with diverse terror groups and connections with Muslim Brotherhood governments, bridging the Shia-Sunni divide to fight common enemies.”)

I’m a former liberal and I routinely criticize the world I came from, so I have no objection to Krohn knocking his former beliefs. It does seem rather poor form, however, to slam the folks who generously put him on the map.

In August 2009, I spoke with Krohn at a Republican Jewish Coalition event in Atlanta, GA. Here, above, is a little memento from that event–a reminder of just how earnestly Jonathan courted the people at whom he now snarks.