Usually, I ignore the hate.  Growing up, we learned “sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me”, at a very young age.  (Flashback)

Plus, if you have the time to think and write about me, while I completely ignore the fact that you exist, then I’m doing my job.  Hate On!  I love living rent free in your mind.

I would like to address the tweet, however.  I won’t post his name because he doesn’t deserve it.  But I will RT and you can have at it…

With all intelligent black women in America #CPAC2013 picked @SonnieJohnson who couldn’t annunciate on the podium #tcot then again it’s #GOP

First, I’d like to congratulate the GOP and CPAC for their obvious diversity.  Not sticking to the Democrats version of what is an acceptable black person, ie Harry Reid’s “light skinned African-American with no NEGRO DIALECT, unless he WANTED to have one” seal of approval, shows the right is getting the message.

Second, Condoleezza Rice, Mia Love, Star Parker, Deneen Borrelli, Angela McGowan, and coming up quickly on their heels Crystal Wright; if they fit the description of an acceptable black because they are all very articulate, then why does the left continue to sling hate and nastiness in their direction?

Third, I got the best piece of advice when I started speaking publicly, “Don’t let them take away that which makes you great.”

I have never tried to be anything other than Sonnie Johnson.  I’m a child of God, born and raised between the housing projects and country backwoods; between government peanut butter and fresh tomatoes from the vine; between government giving you everything and working for everything you get.

And that why I refuse to change.  I grow, learn, adapt, and charge forward every day of my life but I will never forget why I wrote my first blog, gave my first speech, or attended my first convention.  It’s not for CPAC, GOP, or any other group. 

It’s for inarticulate capitalists.  Full Negro Dialect hood conservatives that don’t know they have a place in the conservative movement.  To reassure them, you don’t have to be handed a space under the tent.  Just walk right in and be accepted for who you are.

But most importantly, GOD MADE ME WHO I AM AND PLACED MY FEET WHERE HE WANTED ME TO STAND.  If you have a problem with that, take it up with him.