I caught part of Airplane one of my favorite movies yesterday. I laughed so hard the sore muscles from my workout hurt. Airplane could not have been made today. 

I am calling for a 7-day moratorium on PC speech starting today. You can do it personally or professionally and in many cases I suggest you not speak rather than use it and get fired from your job or sued by some hyper-sensitive American. If 7 days works, go for 14 and so on…

Reported on Deadline Amy Pascal Asks Hollywood To Eliminate Gay Slurs And Stereotypes From Movies

It’s rare for moguls to push moral responsibility to Hollywood, let alone action. Last night at a sold-out LA Gay & Lesbian Center gala that raised $1 million for homeless gay and lesbian youth, honoree Amy Pascal asked the industry to scrutinize its depiction of LGBT characters in film and television: “How about next time, when any of us are reading a script and it says words like fag, or faggot – homo – dyke – take a pencil and just cross it out”. 

Read more of her speech if you wish. Yes Amy, I agree with you right after they remove the word n*igger from Django [sarcasm, and note for my editor and readers that I won’t use the full n-word]. 

Hollywood elites, elites in general have an inconsistent sense of what’s right and what’s wrong, if any sense at all. My main objection is trying to control speech. I do not use certain words because they may offend and that is my choice. The 1st amendment does not protect any of us from being offended. I object to Amy Pascal telling anyone what their choice of words should be. Furthermore, how would any period film be accurate if not in the lingo of the day?