In response to To Ta-Nehisi Coates, Dr. Carson is Just Another Sambo Doll:

There certainly was a lot of projection going on in that article. Lefties always assume conservatives are as race obsessed as they are.  It couldn’t be that  that conservatives across the nation rose to their feet and cheered the man on because they loved his conservative message, and the fact that he chose to speak it at the National Prayer Breakfast right under Obama’s nose.

No, he’s our “great black hope, a lonesome outsider, willing to stare down the party of Obamacare and stand up for the party of voter ID.” Because what could be more liberating than being dependent on a government program for the rest of your life? What could be more enslaving than being asked to prove you are who you say you are before you vote?

When was Alan Keyes ever our “great black hope”? Whatever went into the political considerations that got him on the ticket against Obama in Illinois in 2004, he was never fully embraced by conservatives nationwide. I like Alan Keyes, but for whatever reason, his run in 2004 didn’t launch him into political rock stardom. Same with Michael Steele. Was race a consideration when he won his RNC Chairmanship soon after the country elected its first black president? Possibly. But was Steele ever anyone’s “great black hope”? What does that even mean? Steele was too establishment for many tastes. So he never became a conservative hero, either.

It confounds libs that we look beyond the color of our politicians’ skin and see them as individuals – not members of some group.

And it enrages them that we consider the Democrat party (the home of enticing government programs that promise to make life better for blacks, but actually makes them dependent and adds to their misery index) a “plantation”. But I can’t think of a better metaphor.