Brad Pitt Weighs In: “America’s War on Drugs is a Charade, and a Failure” on got @Uncle Rush praising the Hollywood Actor for “standing up for black people.”

Brad Pitt states:

The same policies that have had so little effect on the country’s drug use have  deeply and disparately impacted poor and minority communities in the United  States.

And the masses cheer.  The Black community has another reason, justified by a White Liberal, to blame their existance on victimization.

Pitt goes on to state:

It’s one thing to abide by policies that don’t make things better; it’s another  to continue with those that actually make things worse.

What about America’s War on Poverty? Will Brad Pitt and @UncleRush stand up against the The Great Welfare Society that breeds generational poverty?  Aren’t liberal policies of dependency and class warfare making the black community worse?

Shall we look to Chicago to answer that question?