In response to The Iron Lady’s Response to a Heckler Circa 1980:

All hecklers are doomed because if they were smart enough or funny enough or clever enough they would be the ones on stage.

A few years ago I compiled a list of the top 10 stupidest questions asked at campus lectures.  Predictably, most were just trying to draw attention to themselves (except for one poor soul who some how got to college without ever having to take a math course).

A few examples:

“What scholarly contribution does ROTC offer on a campus, when it is primarily about fighting tactics and stifles free speech?” — Nicholas J. Von Pless at a lecture given by American Cause President Bay Buchanan on May 3, 2005 at SUNY-Cortland.

“Aren’t these [hate crime] hoaxes you describe representative stories? For every one that is faked, dozens are true.” — Anonymous student at a lecture given by author and columnist Michelle Malkin on February 15, 2006 at Oberlin College.

“How could people contribute $20 when the average was $50?” — Anonymous student at a lecture given by HUMAN EVENTS Legal Affairs Correspondent Ann Coulter on November 21, 2002 at Roger Williams University.

Coulter’s answer: “Well, some gave $100, some gave $10, some gave $20, what you do is add them up and divide by the number of contributors, that is how you get an average.”