The day’s top stories in social media and technology for 4/9: Four LulzSec hackers plead guilty in court, social media dances on Thatcher’s grave, vandalism to rocks and archeological sites at Joshua Tree National Park was encouraged by social media and caused shutdowns, Auschwitz survivor’s social media search for long-lost twin, states are taking measures to protect social media privacy, man claiming to be behind Joel Osteen hoax speaks up, man convicted of online harassment after hijacking ex-girlfriend’s MySpace, Anonymous blogger wins round in Thomas M. Cooley Law School defamation suit, Prenda copyright troll case updates, Warner Bros. changes developers for Batman: Arkham Origins, and Russian Hackers Exploit uPlay and Download Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.

Read below for these stories and more.


Featured Story

The day of reckoning has finally arrived for a few more hackers: ‘Topiary, Kayla, tflow, and Ryan Cleary cop to their roles in Anonymous hacks.’

Key Lulzsec hackers plead guilty in London courtroom

Social Media/Tech Trends, Happenings and Faux Pas.

‘Popular opinion, at least that expressed on Twitter, seems out of sync with the media.’

Thatcher’s death: Newspapers pay respect while social media dances on her grave

It takes a special kind of soulless people to partake in this kind of thing.

Social media suspected in vandalism at Joshua Tree National Park

Social media helps connect a 73 year old Auschwitz survivor and a genealogist, and aids in their search for his long lost twin brother.  Now, they run a Facebook page to find him, called “A 7734.”

Auschwitz survivor’s social media search for long-lost twin


Should your boss, prospective boss or school administrator ever have access to your Facebook page?  States are taking measures to protect privacy.

States Rush to Ban Employers from Asking for Social Media Passwords

Hoaxes, Harassment and Hacking.

It was the elaborate hoax that the whole internet picked up, and now someone claiming to be behind it is talking.

Joel Osteen Hoax: Man Allegedly Behind Ploy To Discredit Leader Wants Televangelist To Change His Message (VIDEO)

Breakups in the age of social media apparently now entail your ex hijacking your accounts and posing as you to post obscene messages and pictures of you.

MySpace Account of ex-Girlfriend Hijacked, Man Convicted with Online Harassment

Law and Order.

‘The Thomas M. Cooley Law School lost a round in its bid to unmask an anonymous blogger when the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled last week that a trial judge erred when denying a protective order in the case.’

Anonymous blogger wins round in Cooley’s defamation suit

Updates on the Prenda copyright trolls case.

Prenda Law: Paul Hansmeier Weighs In

Prenda Law: Prenda, Duffy, And Van Den Hemel Respond to Judge Wright

Prenda lawyer to judge: don’t judge me for not talking


‘Rocksteady is out, Warner Bros. Montreal is in to develop console, PC prequel.’

Warner Bros. changes developers for Batman: Arkham Origins, due Oct. 25

Even though the game isn’t quite out yet…  Ubisoft has not yet confirmed or commented.

Russian Hackers Exploit uPlay, Download Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon