Ruslan Tsarni is the uncle of the bombing suspects. In the following phone interview aired by CBS Boston, reporter Peter Wilson asks Ruslan about his nephews history.

“I just wish they never existed. I’m wordless…shocked,” Ruslan tells Wilson.Asked if the boys had ever been in trouble, Ruslan recalls that in 2009,when he last spoke to Tamerlan by phone, the boy indicated hisinvolvement in Islam. Ruslan says he told Tamerlan to focus on work and studies and “know why you cameto America.”

Ruslan is clearly shocked when he learns that Tamerlan has been killed in a gunfight with police, “Oh, it’s not easy to realize these things.” He then repeats the news to his wife “Tamerlan is killed in gunfight.”

Asked if he can explain what motivated his nephews, Ruslan replies “I can not tell you that…They’ve been refugees in this country.”

CBS also posted this video interview with another of the suspects’ uncles, Alvi Tsarni. Alvi, who had learned about the situation from a relative just an hour earlier by phone is in disbelief, “I can’t believe this. It’s not possible. My nephews can’t do like this stuff.”