Consider this your “feel good” story of the day.

The Washington Times is reporting Arpaio’s opponents are having trouble obtaining the number signatures they need in their petition to recall “America’s Sheriff” Joe Arpaio.

Volunteers’ latest effort took place at a music festival, targeted for its huge crowd size and liberally-minded attendees, The Associated Press reported.

But shortly after setting up camp, recall workers found themselves facing an even larger opposition group: Supporters of Mr. Arpaio turned out in droves and drowned out the recall workers’ rally calls, AP reported.

At the end of the day, pro-recall workers only netted 100 signatures — far less than anticipated for such a heavily attended event.

The union-backed recall drive started in January, and anti-Arpaio forces are reportedly far behind in their goal. They need to collect 335,000 signatures by May 30, and are having to rely primarily on volunteers due to the fact that the effort is not attracting much in the way of donations. 

Arpaio’s office was recently targeted with an mail package bomb that was intercepted in Flagstaff.

The ABC Phoenix affiliate reported last week that for the time being, “all mail being received at the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office headquarters will remain unopened until further notice.”