The day’s top stories in social media and technology for 5/2 include the divorce of the Daily Beast and Howard Kurtz, lefty dirty tricks and Facebook, a sick webcam hacker and a disgruntled company hacker, social media and marriage, hoax texts, lawsuits, and video game news.

Summary of stories:  the Daily Beast’s release of Howard Kurtz, lefty CREDO bullies Facebook (again), Kuwaiti blogger acquitted over offensive tweets, social media can hurt marriages, sick webcam hacker spied on neighbors having intimate encounters, liberal activist’s rape threat hoax tried to frame conservatives, disgruntled employee hacks employer and caused $90K in damage, teen’s prank homicide text prompts police visit, law blogger Popehat scares away would-be litigant against Redditor, Warner Brothers sued over unauthorized Nyan Cat and Keyboard Cat use, Anonymous member accused of Occupy rape has been cleared, more video game scare tactics, and Google goes gamer.

Read below for these stories and more.

Featured Story.

The divorce of the Daily Beast and Howard Kurtz.

“The decision comes after Kurtz published a blog post that falsely asserted that [Jason] Collins, who announced he was gay in an article for Sports Illustrated, had neglected to mention his previous engagement to a woman. In fact, Collins mentioned that engagement in the article and in a subsequent interview with ABC News. The Daily Beast retracted that post on Thursday morning.”

Daily Beast drops Howard Kurtz

Social Media/Tech Trends, Happenings and Faux Pas.

It’s CREDO Mobile. That’s what they do.

Leftist Group Falsely Accuses Facebook of Targeting It for Censorship

“The blogger was given the sentence by the lower court on charges of undermining the status of the emir in remarks he published on his Twitter account.”

Kuwaiti blogger acquitted in offensive Twitter trial

The new “roll over and go to sleep” is now the “roll over and check my Facebook and Twitter.”

Increasing use of social media may hurt your marriage

Hoaxes, Harassment and Hacking.

This is some sick, sick stuff.  Again, there’s a reason I cover my webcam with a Band-Aid.

“The 34-year-old is accused of recording thousands of hours’ worth of intimate material — which included numerous sexual encounters of his unsuspecting victims… He allegedly spied on his community as they used their computers in their bathrooms, bedrooms and kitchens. He also copied files stored on their hard drives, ran their programs without their permission and eavesdropped on their conversations over Skype or social networks, police say.”

Computer expert hacked neighbors’ WiFi to spy: cops

Is this really what politics has come to?

Police say liberal student activist threatened herself with rape in Facebook hoax, framed conservatives

21st Century cray cray: After being passed up for a promotion, “the defendant engaged in a 21st-century campaign of cyber-vandalism and high-tech revenge.”

Ex-Worker Created Havoc With Hacking, U.S. Says

SWATter in training.

Teen gets warning after prank text about homicide

Law and Order.

Bad move, Suburban Express. At least you came to your senses.

Bus Company Threatens Redditor With Lawsuit, Meets Ken White (@Popehat), Runs Away

Who knew annoying Nyan Cat could cause so much trouble.

Warner Brothers sued for unauthorized use of Nyan Cat and Keyboard Cat

See previous coverage of this case.

Protester from Anonymous who stayed at Occupy London camp outside St Paul’s Cathedral cleared of raping woman


“Spooky, Scary Music and B-Roll of Angry Hands”

Breaking Down The Absurd Anatomy of a Video Game Scare Piece

Oh, Google.  Your hands are in everything.

Is Google Getting Serious About Gaming? Noah Falstein Hired As Chief Game Designer