The day’s top stories in social media and technology for 5/7 include the latest celebrity SWATting, terror on social media, Saudi prince’s take on blocking social media, AP tells staffers not to retweet rumors, Ohio’s social media hero, OpUSA cyberattack, Internet blackout in Syria, Obama and Romney campaigns endured repeated hacking attempts in 2012, the epic Prenda copyright troll finale, Dr. Phil producer sues Gawker, video game publisher drops gun manfacturer licensing agreements, and International Game Developers Association Applauds Senate’s Stall of CISPA.

Read below for these stories and more.

Featured Story.

Add CNN’s Anderson Cooper to the ever-growing list. Hello, Eric Holder?

Cooper’s LI home ‘swatted’

Social Media/Tech Trends, Happenings and Faux Pas.

“Twitter is the social network on which it is easiest to promote hate and terror, according to the Simon Wiesenthal Center.”

Terror on Twitter: Jihad in 140 characters or less, report warns

A followup to reports that Saudi Arabia may be planning to squelch anonymity on social media.

Saudi prince: Blocking social media platforms is a ‘losing war’

They needed a reminder for this?

AP reminds staffers not to retweet rumors in new social media guidelines

The man who helped save three women held hostage for a decade is popular on the Twitterz.

Hero Ohio neighbor becomes overnight social media star

Hoaxes, Harassment and Hacking.

And it will only get worse.

Obama, Romney Campaigns Subject To Repeated Hacking Attempts in 2012

Reminiscent of November 2012.

Blackout: Internet Traffic in Syria Suddenly Disappears

Homeland Security issued warning for what was predicted to be nothing more than a “nuisance”…

‘OpUSA’ Hackers Plan Cyberattacks Against US Websites on May 7th

…and as predicted, it was mostly bluster.

Anonymous OpUSA Hackathon: Mostly Bluster

Law and Order.

This is one righteous judge – with a penchant for Star Trek. The finale of the Prenda copyright trolls case.

Does Prenda Believe In No-Win Scenarios? Because Judge Wright Just Gave Them One

Apparently Dr. Phil really dislikes spoilers.

‘Dr. Phil’ producer sues Gawker Media over Manti Te’o hoax segment


“Electronic Arts says it is severing its licensing ties to gun manufacturers – and simultaneously asserting that it has the right, and the intention, to continue to feature branded guns without a license.”

Video game maker drops gun makers, not their guns

“IGDA’s Anti-Censorship and Social Issues Committee has issued a statement applauding the Senate’s stall of the bill and the President’s promise to veto it in its current form.”

International Game Developers Association Applauds Senate’s Stall of CISPA, President’s Promise to Veto