Dick Morris, who famously predicted that Mitt Romney would defeat President Barack Obama in a “landslide,” has now joined the Beltway mob in blaming radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh for the Republican Party’s woes, the Daily Caller reports

Morris also claimed that the Senate immigration bill “is not only a good solution–it’s the only solution” to the nation’s illegal immigration problem. He attacked Limbaugh for opposing the bill: “Stop losing the elections for us….Focus on the changes that are taking place in the country, and deal with them.”

Morris did not specify what “changes” he meant, but presumably he was referring to the growing proportion of Latino voters. Evidently Morris has not reckoned with the fact that even if Romney had won 70 percent of the Latino vote, he would not have defeated President Obama.

In defending the Senate immigration bill, Morris challenged critics to provide an alternative. Many have done so–most notably Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who suggested that border security be verified by Congress each year for five years before “path to citizenship” provisions were fully implemented. That provides real–and better–guarantees that border security will not be sacrificed for the sake of political expediency.

It has become de rigeur for Beltway Republicans such as Morris and David Frum to slam Limbaugh for the benefit of their Democratic neighbors. Yet one of the most important reasons Limbaugh is as popular as he is is that Beltway Republicans refuse to provide coherent opposition to Obama and the left. In the absence of political leadership in Washington, Limbaugh and other conservative media outlets perform a vital function.

If anyone is responsible for “losing the elections,” especially the last one, it is pundits who inflated the Romney camp with false hope while the Obama campaign was busy turning out its vote. I don’t blame Morris for being wrong–everyone is entitled to make, and to recover from, sincere mistakes–but he certainly hasn’t earned the privilege of blaming others for a defeat that he failed, badly, to anticipate.