House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) announced the committee will hold a hearing featuring the victims of the IRS’s ideological profiling.  The hearing will take place on June 4th at 10am.

Camp said “While we now know that the IRS began targeting individuals based on their personal beliefs three years ago, we still need to know who began this targeting and why, and we need to understand how individuals were affected by the IRS’s abuse. This hearing will provide a voice to those Americans who wound up under the IRS’s political microscope on the basis of their beliefs.”

Last week, Lois Lerner the IRS Director for Tax Exempt Organizations was put on administrative, shortly after she took the fifth amendment at the House Judiciary Hearing on the IRS Scandal. Lerner insisted she had done nothing wrong, although her signature were on some of the letters the IRS sent to their targets. It will be interesting to hear if the IRS’s victims feel the same way.  Kudos to Congressman Camp and the Ways and Means Committee for keeping on the heat.