In response to Hobbit Trailer Looks Like “After Earth” With Elves:

Wow Ace – my daughter has a bone to pick with you: “The tree scene was in the book though!”:( 

My 14 year old joined Tumblr a couple of months ago, and tells me that Thranduil, who only appears in the The Unexpected Journey for a few seconds, has a HUGE fan base. 

There’s Sassy Thranduil, Party King Thranduil, Loving Father Thranduil….

On the Thranduil Cosplay posts you can even learn how to make your own Thranduil crown, (usually fashioned out of clay.)

My daughter was going to be “Sassy Thranduil” for Halloween until she decided to go with a Les Mis theme.  

The Desolation of Smaug promises to have much more Thranduil goodness than the first movie, and that makes his fan base of 14 – 21 year olds very very happy. The Hobbit is, after all, a children’s book.