When the  story first broke that Democratic Congressman Joe Garcia’s main-man/Chief of Staff/campaign advisor Jeffrey Garcia, along with two others were implicated in an alleged fraudulent absentee ballot request scandal, the political community immediately turned their eyes on the possibility that this same alleged voter fraud could have been conducted in Murphy’s race against former Congressman Allen West.

Jeffrey Garcia also worked for Democratic Congressman Patrick Murphy, supposedly doing the same kind of advising that he was doing for Garcia.

With Jeffrey Garcia taking responsibility for the absentee ballot request incident in Garcia’s race against former Congressman David Rivera, speculation that he could have simultaneously committed the same form of absentee ballot request fraud in the Murphy-West congressional race began percolating in some of South Florida’s political circles.

Republican Carlos Curbelo, a Miami-Dade School Board member, who is actively exploring a congressional run against Garcia, believes that the “same corrupt liberals” that committed fraud in Miami, “worked against Allen West,” almost implying that the possibility of the same absentee ballot fraud may have happened in the Allen West race.

The same corrupt liberals that worked against Allen West committed fraud in Florida’s 26th Congressional District. We need to stop them now.-Carlos Curbelo

While Patrick Murphy has yet to be implicated in the voter fraud scandal, West supporters, who suspected rampant voter fraud and intimidation during a drawn out general election vote recount, are patiently waiting to see if investigators will validate their voter fraud suspicions with an announcement that Jeffrey Garcia also employed the same political tactics against Allen West.