House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was booed and heckled for defending the NSA’s surveillance programs and disparaging leaker Edward Snowden at 2013 Netroots Nation conference. 

During a Q & A at the event, Pelosi said “People on the far right are saying oh, this is the fourth term of President Bush. Absolutely, positively not so.” 

A 57 year old activist from California shouted at her “It’s not a balance. It’s not constitutional!” he yelled. “No secret laws!” And others in the room joined in “Leave him alone!” or “That’s what a police state looks like right there!”

The booing continued when the topic turned to Edward Snowden.  “As far as Snowden: he did violate the law in terms of releasing those documents,” she said.  

“You suck!” someone screamed from the audience.